Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Study case about Zappos

In the last class of social marketing, we made a study case about some companies. Mine was the shoes company "Zappos". I didn't knew it before. I like the return policy because we can purchase different sizes of shoes and send the one who don't fit for free. Zappos have a webpage on facebook and I think it's the best social network to do advirtising because it's the most popular network with the highest number of members. Zappos' target are people from 23 to 35 because it's too expensive for younger people, who likes fashion shoes and who are confortable with social media as facebook.

This study case allowed me to realize the importance of social network like Facebook and twitter for the brand recognition of a company.


  1. I didn't know it before. As you gays said, it's really difficult for a company to sale shoes online.

  2. I agree with you! I think we as marketers can learn a lot from the strategy of Zappos.
