Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Study case about Zappos

In the last class of social marketing, we made a study case about some companies. Mine was the shoes company "Zappos". I didn't knew it before. I like the return policy because we can purchase different sizes of shoes and send the one who don't fit for free. Zappos have a webpage on facebook and I think it's the best social network to do advirtising because it's the most popular network with the highest number of members. Zappos' target are people from 23 to 35 because it's too expensive for younger people, who likes fashion shoes and who are confortable with social media as facebook.

This study case allowed me to realize the importance of social network like Facebook and twitter for the brand recognition of a company.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My first time on twitter

I follow 5 organizations about fashion because I would like to work in Human resources in company that product luxury clothes or accessories.  That's why I choose to follow VOGUE, JEAN PAUL GAULTIER, ELIE SAAB and YVES SAINT LAURENT. I choose famous fashion magazines and designers because they have a hudge influence in the fahion world and they are followed by many important people in this sector. Finally, it can give me credibility to potential recruiters if they saw on my twitter that i'm following people and companies in the fashion sector.

Marketing myself

1) Why it is important to market myself?

In my poimt of view, It's important to  market myself because there is a big competition between people on the internet nowadays, specially between workers. I have to get credibility and to sell myself in order to find more opportunities.

2) How can I build my brand online?

I think I can build my brand online with a lot of advertising on social media as facebook, twitter, blogger, etc. People can speak about it and influences their friends. Therefore, the brand can be famous faster.

New community

Hi everybody!

I join the community "styledOn" because i'm interrested in the fashion world. I post a picture of a woman with a feathers'skirt and I asked to the community where I could find it. Somebody answered me that I could find it on "topshop" and I said thanks to her and that I will take a look on it. I'm impressed that someone takes time to answer me. I think communities are a good way to get answers to our questions very quickly and easily. It was a good and a constructive experience. My second community was on a french fashion blog and someone answered me and agrees with my post.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My point of view about ...

I think that Social media is a group of websites which allow communication on a bigger ladder as facebook, twitter, blogspot, gmail, etc. They are important in the marketing mix because it concerns an enormous part of the population and it gives a voice to customers. Moreover, Social Networks allow to get someone or some products known faster than in other media by updating logos and post in all social media.